David Sprague
While David Sprague was not one of the original participants at STEPs on Arthur, as captured in the mural behind him, he has certainly made an impression since starting in 2011. Whenever CBS decides to do a remake of McGyver, David really needs to be cast in the leading role. During his time in the Small Contracts program, David has created “jigs” for almost every task that he has worked on and we are often amazed at his creativity. He enjoys woodworking and crafts in his leisure time, seldom giving his glue gun a rest. Regardless of what he is building, safety remains at the forefront, making David an obvious choice for our Occupational Health and Safety Committee. He takes his role on this committee very seriously, but that is not to say that David doesn’t enjoy some light hearted teasing on occasion. You may have to get to know him a little bit better before you catch on to his sense of humor but once you do, you will recognize that David is a kind and sensitive soul, who wants the same as the rest of us…independence, a partner in life and respect. Hard to argue with that!