10 programs. 80 people. Life changing impact.
Our Programs
STEPs believes that every person has the right to full participation in their community and supports people in their own personal plan of participation. All programs provide meaningful vocational skill development for clients, while meeting local and national customer demand for products and services.
This program provides high quality award ribbons for a variety of events, shows and exhibitions, with distribution throughout the Maritimes and across Canada. Participants, in this program, are involved in many areas of the production process, including printing, assembly, quality control, packing and machine maintenance. Throughout the years of operation, STEPs has developed a significant customer base and now has over 20 ribbons styles to meet the ever changing demands of its customers.
Tim Hortons New to You
Clients who enjoy social interactions and a fast paced environment tend to gravitate to this program. There is an emphasis on customer relations, merchandizing and cash transactions, all of which serves to increase employability skills, along with increasing confidence in public interactions. The New to You supports other organizations in the community in the provision of clothing, household goods and furniture as appropriate.
Snook Cafe
This program was initially created to provide canteen services to clients and staff but quickly developed into a café that offered hot meals to the public. Clients involved in the café are taught the skills to prep, cook and store foods safely, provide a positive customer experience, handle basic cash transactions and track inventory. Skills are easily transferrable to home and the community and serve to further client independence.
Second Life Used Goods
This program also allows for high levels of public interaction as donations are received by clients at the time of drop off. Every opportunity is explored for items to be resold, repurposed or recycled. Clients receive training in effective communications with the public, appropriate recycling procedures and testing/pricing of goods received.
Small Contracts
Kohltech Windows production line pieces fall under this group’s areas of responsibility, with clients assembling various window components. STEPs’ relationship with Kohltech is of long standing duration, dating back over 20 years and we are proud of our commitment to providing our partner with a quality product, within their required timelines. This program provides further skill development through various packaging contracts and mailouts.
Resource Plus
Clients in this program may have more complex needs and may require additional supports. This program is the mainstay of STEPs recycling efforts. They are responsible for the sorting, pricing, and/or recycling of all books donated to the New to You and also handle the recycling of wire from non-working electronics and Christmas lights. At the same time, several of these individuals are involved with the cutting and bagging of rags to be sold to various local businesses. When not engaged in diverting product from the landfill, clients in this program enjoy completing “mail outs”, as requested by local business partners and participating in life skills development. They also enjoy the ownership of the flamingo rentals to the public looking to celebrate birthdays.
Contracts Plus
This program has partnered with Eastlink for the last number of years in the refurbishing of their residential cords, cables and remotes. Equipment is sorted, cleaned, tested and repackaged. STEPs is pleased to support Eastlink in reusing these materials, lengthening their life span and delaying their entry into the landfill.
Cleaning/Maintenance Program
Participants in this program are introduced to many aspects of building maintenance and grounds keeping. Training includes the use of equipment such as polishers, cleaning agent dispensers, lawnmowers and whipper snippers, along with basic janitorial and maintenance practices. At least one client from this program participates on the Occupational Health and Safety Committee.
Clothing Sort
The public is very generous in their donations to the New to You and every effort is made to utilize all clothing received. Clients and staff sort all inventory to determine what is deemed suitable for resale, what can be used for rag production, and what goes into the “second sort”, meaning an item is separated out for a purpose other than the landfill.
Ribbons Prep
This program provides support to the Ribbon program, ensuring the ongoing inventory of cut ribbon, promotional buttons and prepared ribbon backs. Quality control is essential to ensure ribbon assembly is completed according to customer specifications in a timely manner.
Community support and generosity makes all this possible. To learn more about supporting STEPs please follow the link below.